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Age Role Commands

Usage: bb agerole <add | remove | clear | claim> <duration> [role]

The bb agerole command allows you to create booster level roles based on how long a user has been boosting the server.


bb agerole add 1w @role: This command allows boosters to claim the @role role after boosting for 1 week.

bb agerole remove 1w: This command removes the age role for boosters who have been boosting for 1 week.

bb agerole clear: This command removes all age roles.

bb agerole claim: This command allows boosters to claim their age role.

Duration Examples

  • 1hour:20mins
  • 1week
  • 20d

Available Units

  • second | sec | s
  • minute | min | m
  • hour | hr | h
  • day | d
  • week | wk | w
  • month | b
  • year | yr | y
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