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Setup Commands


These commands can be executed by Admins and Bot Manager only.

The bb [setup | set] command allows you to setup, edit, and remove bot settings.

Prefix Setup Command

Usage: bb setup prefix <new prefix>

This command sets the prefix for the bot's commands.


Command Explanation
bb setup prefix ! Sets the prefix to !
bb setup prefix bb Sets the prefix to bb

Bot Manager

bb setup manager <role>

This command sets the role that is able to edit bot settings, in addition to admins. To disable the bot manager role, use the disable argument.

Additional Role

bb setup add-role <role>

This command sets a role that the bot will automatically add to users when they boost the server. To disable the additional role, use the disable argument.

Remove Role

bb setup remove-role <role>

This command sets a role that the bot will automatically remove from users if they remove their boost from the server. To disable the remove role function, use the disable argument.

Custom Role

bb setup custom-role <number of boosts>

This command allows boosters to maintain their personal role if they have the required number of boosts.


bb setup gifts <allowed gifts>-<required boosts>

This command allows boosters to gift their personal role to their friends if they are eligible.

Auto Reactions

bb setup ar <number of boosts>

This command allows boosters with the required number of boosts to set a custom emoji that the bot will react to any message that the booster is mentioned in.

Base Role

bb setup base-role <role>

This command sets the base role for the custom role. The bot will assign the custom role just above this role (make sure to enable the custom role first).


bb setup color #2f3136

This command sets the color that the bot will use for all command embeds. Note that this will not change the color of greet embeds or log embeds.

Log Events

bb setup log-event <event> <channel>

This command sets the channel in which the bot will send log messages for the specified event. To disable log events, use the disable argument.


bb setup log-channel <channel>

This command sets all log events to be sent to the same channel.


If you want to remove any config, type disable in value. Example : bb setup gifts disable will not allow anyone to gift their custom role.


bb setup < prefix | manager | add-role | remove-role | custom-role | gift | base-role | color | log-event >
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