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Private channel setup


These commands can be executed by Admins and Bot Manager only.

The bb pcs command allows you to setup private channels perks for boosters.

Select category

bb pcs category

Set category of current message channel as category under which private channels will be created.

Allow channel types

bb type <text | voice | both>

Boosters will be able to claim give type of channel (only 1 channel is allowed of available types).

Hide private channels

bb pcs lock @role

Bot will disable this role's VIEW_CHANNEL permission for each private channel.

Allow access to private channels

bb pcs allow @role

Bot will allow this role's VIEW_CHANNEL permission for new private channel. Example - if you want server managers to access all private channels (ADMINS will by default have permission to all private channels)

Boosts requried to claim private channel

bb pcs boosts <count>

Users with this many boosts can claim their private channels & invite people over.

Allow boosters to invite friends to private channels

bb pcs invite <disable | boost-count> <invite-count>

Allow boosters to invite their allowed number of friends to their private channels.


bb pcs <category | type | lock | boosts | invite | disable>
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